Install Node.js

The development environment for X-BUILD relies on Node.js.

Node version requirements

X-BUILD requires Node.js 8.9 or higher (recommended 8.11.0+), you can use nvm Manage multiple versions of Node on the same computer. If it is Windows, please open the cmd input command to execute. If it is a Unix-like system, open any terminal and enter the command execution.

macOS User

It is recommended that you use nvm to manage the installation of Node.js.

Open the terminal and execute the following command.

curl -o- | bash

When finished, restart the terminal and execute nvm install --lts to install the latest LTS version of Node.js.

Windows User

Visit the official website of Node.js to download the installation package of the corresponding platform and marked as LTS version, and perform the installation. After the installation is successful, execute it on the terminal:

Verify the installed Node.js version

Execute the following command in the terminal (Git Bash or other terminal emulator under Windows)

node -v

If the terminal prints out the version of Node.js, the installation is successful.

LTS: refers to the long-term maintenance version of Node.js, where you can see the official continuous maintenance period for each version of Node.js at

Nvm: Please refer to

Installation CLI

Installing X-BUILD via npm is similar to @vue/cli and provides x-build and x (shorthand) commands in the terminal.

Use the following command to globally install the npm package:

npm install -g x-build

Once installed, you can access the x-build command from the command line.